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Insider Lobbying in IT Procurement: A Threat to Internal Innovation

Insider Lobbying a threat to innovation

Insider lobbying, where employees manipulate internal processes to benefit external entities, poses a significant threat to organisational innovation. This paper explores the concept of insider lobbying in IT procurement, focusing on how employees can collude with external solution providers to discourage in-house development and favour external services. By analysing existing research and real-world examples, this paper sheds light on the tactics used by insider lobbyists, the potential consequences for organizations, and strategies for mitigating this growing threat.


The modern organization thrives on its ability to leverage technology effectively. Information Technology (IT) procurement, the process of acquiring and managing IT resources, plays a critical role in achieving this goal. Organizations strive to make informed decisions in IT procurement, balancing cost-effectiveness with the potential for innovation and long-term value. However, a growing threat lurks within this seemingly straightforward process: insider lobbying.

Insider lobbying occurs when employees, motivated by personal gain or allegiance to external entities, manipulate internal processes to benefit those external actors. In the context of IT procurement, this translates to employees working in the best interests of an external IT solution provider, rather than the organization they are employed by. These employees may actively discourage the development of internal IT solutions, pushing for the purchase of services from their external collaborators.

The consequences of such insider lobbying can be far-reaching. Organisations may lose sight of their internal strengths and stifle the development of innovative solutions. Reliance on external vendors can lead to vendor lock-in, a situation where switching to alternative solutions becomes difficult and expensive. Employee morale can suffer due to the perception of internal sabotage, hindering overall productivity and innovation. Additionally, with increased dependence on external solutions, potential security risks may arise.

This paper aims to shed light on the phenomenon of insider lobbying in IT procurement. Through a comprehensive review of existing research and real-world examples, we will explore the tactics employed by insider lobbyists and the detrimental impact on organizational success. Furthermore, we will propose strategies for organisations to mitigate this threat and prioritise the development of internal capabilities. By understanding and addressing the challenges of insider lobbying, organisations can ensure a robust and innovative IT procurement process that fosters long-term value and strengthens their competitive edge.

Literature Review

Insider threats pose a significant and growing risk to organizations across various sectors. Existing research has explored the diverse tactics employed by malicious insiders, highlighting the potential for significant financial losses, operational disruptions, and reputational damage (Wittman & Caron, 2017; Ponemon Institute, 2023). However, the specific challenge of insider lobbying within IT procurement has received less scholarly attention. This literature review aims to bridge this gap by examining relevant research on insider threats, lobbying tactics, and their confluence in the context of IT procurement.

Insider Threats and Employee Collusion

Several studies have emphasized the growing threat posed by insider threats. The IBM X-Force IRIS Report (2023) highlights the increasing sophistication of insider attacks, with malicious actors often blending in with regular employee activity. Similarly, Jagatic et al. (2020) explore the various motivations behind insider threats, including financial gain, revenge, and ideological beliefs. While these studies primarily focus on traditional forms of insider attacks such as data breaches or sabotage, they provide a foundation for understanding the potential for employee collusion with external actors in IT procurement.

Lobbying and Influence Tactics Within Organizations

Research on lobbying within organizations sheds light on how insider lobbyists might operate. Gupta et al. (2018) examine the strategies used by internal actors to influence decision-making processes. They identify tactics such as information framing, coalition building, and cultivating relationships with key decision-makers. Similarly, Certo et al. (2016) explore the concept of “political maneuvering” within organizations, highlighting how employees might leverage personal connections and informal networks to influence resource allocation decisions. These studies offer valuable insights into the potential methods employed by insider lobbyists in IT procurement to favor external solutions over internal development efforts.

Insider Lobbying in IT Procurement: A Gap in Research

While the aforementioned research provides a valuable framework, a dedicated focus on insider lobbying within IT procurement remains scarce. Industry reports offer anecdotal evidence of this phenomenon. For instance, a report by Gartner (2022) highlights the challenge of “shadow IT,” where employees circumvent established procurement processes to acquire IT solutions directly from external vendors. While not explicitly addressing insider lobbying, this report suggests the potential for employees to act in collusion with external solution providers.

Motivations Behind Insider Lobbying: Beyond Greed

While financial gain can certainly be a powerful motivator for insider lobbying in IT procurement, it’s not the only factor at play. This section delves deeper into the complex web of motivations that can drive an employee to act against their organization’s best interests:

1. Personal Gain:

  • Financial Incentives: The most direct motivation is financial gain. An employee might be offered bribes,kickbacks, or commissions by an external solution provider in exchange for promoting their services. This could involve manipulating procurement processes, inflating the perceived value of the external solution, or actively sabotaging internal projects.
  • Career Advancement: Some employees might believe that aligning themselves with an external vendor can benefit their career prospects. They might hope for future employment opportunities with the vendor or leverage the relationship to gain recognition within the organization.

2. Fear and Insecurity:

  • Job Security Concerns: Rapid technological advancements can create anxiety for employees who feel their skills might become obsolete. An insecure employee might promote external solutions as a way to maintain the status quo and protect their job security, even if it hinders long-term innovation.
  • Feeling Outmatched by Internal Talent: Employees who feel less skilled or knowledgeable compared to their colleagues might resort to insider lobbying to undermine their internal competition. By promoting external solutions, they can deflect attention away from their own shortcomings and appear more valuable by advocating for readily available “fixes.”

Case Study: The Insecure Insider

Imagine John, a mid-level semi technical functional specialist at a traditionally non innovative organisation. He feels increasingly overwhelmed by the rapid pace of technological change which he can’t comprehend because of his skill leve. John observes his highly skilled colleagues confidently navigating new technologies and contributing innovative solutions to internal development projects. Feeling insecure and threatened by their talent, John starts collaborating with a software vendor who has traditionally been providing services to the organisation in the past . He lobbies and subtly discourages others from the ongoing in-house software development project, highlighting its complexity and potential delays. In each communication he tries to insinuate that its the external vendor who does the real work and any internal innovation at the organisation is insignificant and dependent on external vendors services. John believes that advocating for the readily available external solution will not only protect his job but also make him appear more efficient.

This scenario exemplifies how fear and insecurity can motivate insider lobbying. In attempting to undermine his more skilled colleagues, John hinders the organization’s potential for innovation and potentially exposes them to vulnerabilities associated with relying solely on an external solution.

3. Misguided Loyalty or Resentment:

  • Feeling Undervalued: Employees who feel overlooked or underappreciated by their organization might be more susceptible to the enticements of external actors. A disgruntled employee might view promoting external solutions as a form of retaliation against their employer.
  • Belief in the External Solution: In some cases, an employee might genuinely believe that the external solution offered by a vendor is superior to any in-house development efforts. While this might stem from a lack of complete information or a misunderstanding of internal capabilities, their misguided loyalty can still lead to them pushing for external solutions despite potential drawbacks.

Understanding the diverse motivations behind insider lobbying is critical for crafting effective mitigation strategies.Organizations must address concerns about job security, foster a culture of learning and upskilling, and promote transparency to counter feelings of fear and insecurity. By recognizing the psychological factors at play, organizations can better safeguard their IT procurement processes and foster a collaborative environment that empowers all employees to thrive.

Insider Lobbying Tactics and External Providers’ Influence: Stifling Innovation from Within

The allure of a quick and seemingly cost-effective solution can be tempting, especially when an external software company employs a willing accomplice within an organization. These insider lobbyists, often motivated by personal gain or a misguided sense of loyalty, can utilize various tactics to stifle internal innovation and push for the adoption of external services over in-house development. Let’s delve into some common tactics and explore real-world examples:

1. Disinformation Campaigns:

  • Tactic: The insider lobbyist paints a distorted picture, exaggerating the limitations of internal development capabilities and highlighting minor flaws in ongoing projects. Conversely, they inflate the benefits and downplay the potential drawbacks of the external solution offered by their collaborator.
  • Example: An employee working in collaboration with a software company providing a customer relationship management (CRM) system might downplay the progress of the in-house CRM development team, focusing on technical hurdles. They could simultaneously overemphasize the ease of implementation and scalability of the external solution, neglecting potential vendor lock-in or customization limitations.

2. Gatekeeping Information:

  • Tactic: The insider restricts access to crucial information or resources needed by the in-house development team. This could involve withholding data sets, manipulating project roadmaps, or purposefully delaying approvals for necessary tools or technologies.
  • Example: An IT employee collaborating with an external data analytics vendor might strategically withhold access to specific data sets required for the in-house development of a similar analytics platform. This creates roadblocks for the internal team, hindering their progress and justifying the need for the external solution.

3. Sabotaging Internal Projects:

  • Tactic: The insider actively undermines ongoing internal development efforts. This could involve planting false information within project documentation, introducing bugs into existing code, or subtly delaying critical tasks and deadlines.
  • Example: A developer working in collusion with a cloud storage provider might introduce subtle compatibility issues within the in-house cloud storage solution being developed. These issues then serve as “evidence” of the internal team’s struggles, further promoting the adoption of the external provider’s services.

4. Cultivating Relationships with Decision-Makers:

Tactic: The insider leverages personal connections or exploits existing biases within the organization to influence key decision-makers. They might downplay the expertise of internal developers or present the external solution through a favorable lens, downplaying potential risks.

Example: An IT manager collaborating with a cybersecurity firm might have a personal connection with a member of the procurement committee. They might leverage this connection to champion the external solution, emphasizing its pre-existing security certifications and downplaying the capabilities of the in-house security team tasked with building similar safeguards.

The Cascading Impact: Consequences of Insider Lobbying in IT Procurement

Insider lobbying in IT procurement poses a multi-faceted threat, impacting an organization’s innovation, financial well-being, employee morale, and even security posture. Let’s delve deeper into these consequences and explore the ripple effects they can create:

1. Stifled Innovation:

Loss of Competitive Edge: When internal development efforts are undermined in favor of external solutions, organizations lose the opportunity to cultivate unique technological solutions that can differentiate them in the marketplace. They become reliant on the external vendor’s roadmap, potentially missing out on innovations that could be crucial for future success.

Stagnant Skills and Knowledge Base: By relying solely on external solutions, organizations deprive their internal talent pool of the opportunity to develop expertise in specific technologies. This stagnant skillset can hinder the organization’s ability to adapt to future technological advancements and respond effectively to changing market demands.

Demotivated In-House Development Teams: Witnessing the undermining of their work can be incredibly demoralizing for internal developers. This can lead to decreased engagement, reduced creativity, and ultimately, a higher turnover rate within the development team.

2. Financial Strain:

Higher Costs: External solutions often come with hefty licensing fees, ongoing maintenance costs, and vendor lock-in, which can significantly increase IT procurement expenses over time. Additionally, these solutions may not perfectly align with the organization’s specific needs, leading to the need for additional customizations at an even higher cost.

Missed Opportunities for Savings: Internal development can often be a more cost-effective approach in the long run, especially for projects tailored to the organization’s unique requirements. When internal efforts are sidelined, the organization misses out on the potential for significant cost savings.

Budgetary Uncertainty: Reliance on external vendors introduces an element of uncertainty into the IT budget. Organizations become susceptible to price hikes or changes in vendor terms, making it difficult to accurately forecast and manage IT procurement costs.

3. Eroded Employee Morale:

Feeling of Disenfranchisement: When employees witness their skills and expertise being disregarded in favor of external solutions, they can feel disenfranchised and undervalued. This can lead to a decline in overall employee morale and a decrease in productivity across the organization.

Reduced Trust and Collaboration: Insider lobbying can foster an environment of distrust within the organization. Employees become hesitant to share ideas or collaborate openly for fear of sabotage or manipulation. This hinders innovation and stifles the free flow of knowledge, essential for any successful organization.

Retention Challenges: A demotivated workforce is a high-risk workforce. Low morale can lead to increased employee turnover, forcing the organization to invest time and resources in recruitment and onboarding new employees, further impacting productivity and overall efficiency.

4. Security Risks:

Increased Attack Surface: By introducing additional external solutions into the IT infrastructure, the organization creates a more complex environment to secure. This expanded attack surface presents additional vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious actors.

Vendor Dependence for Security Updates: Reliance on external solutions makes the organization dependent on the vendor’s security patching schedule. If the vendor is slow to address vulnerabilities in their software, the organization’s data and systems remain at risk for extended periods.

Potential Data Leaks: When sensitive data resides on external servers or platforms, the organization relinquishes a degree of control. The security practices of the external vendor become a concern, potentially increasing the risk of data breaches or unauthorized access.

The consequences of insider lobbying in IT procurement extend far beyond the initial decision to favor an external solution. These tactics can cripple an organization’s ability to innovate, strain their financial resources, erode employee morale, and even jeopardize their security posture. By recognizing these potential consequences and implementing proactive measures to mitigate the risks of insider lobbying, organizations can ensure a robust and innovative IT procurement process that fosters long-term success.


The modern organization thrives on its ability to leverage technology effectively. IT procurement, the process of acquiring and managing IT resources, plays a critical role in achieving this goal. However, a hidden threat lurks within this process – insider lobbying. In this paper, we have explored the concept of insider lobbying in IT procurement, examining the tactics employed by malicious insiders and the devastating consequences for organizations.

We have seen how insider lobbyists, often motivated by personal gain or allegiance to external entities, can manipulate internal processes to favor external IT solution providers. These tactics, such as disinformation campaigns, gatekeeping information, sabotaging internal projects, and cultivating relationships with decision-makers, can stifle internal innovation and push organizations towards potentially inferior external solutions.

The consequences of insider lobbying are far-reaching. Organizations lose their competitive edge by neglecting to cultivate unique technological solutions. Financial strain arises from inflated costs associated with external solutions and vendor lock-in. Employee morale plummets as internal talent is disregarded and efforts are undermined. Furthermore,security risks increase due to an expanded attack surface and dependence on external vendors’ security practices.

The fight against insider lobbying requires a multi-pronged approach. Organizations must implement robust IT procurement policies with clear conflict-of-interest guidelines. Fostering a culture of transparency allows for open communication and empowers employees to report suspicious activity. Regular audits and security assessments are crucial for identifying potential vulnerabilities exploited by insider lobbyists. Prioritizing internal talent development demonstrates a commitment to innovation and empowers the organization to build self-reliance.

By understanding the tactics of insider lobbyists and implementing proactive measures, organizations can safeguard their IT procurement processes. This fosters a thriving environment for internal innovation, empowers employees, and positions the organization for long-term success in the ever-evolving technological landscape. The choice is clear – prioritize internal innovation and safeguard your organization’s future, or succumb to the deceptive tactics of insider lobbyists and risk stagnation and decline.


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  • Gartner (2022). Predicts 2023: The Future of the CIO and the Business of IT
  • Gupta, V., Greve, H. R., & Hmielski, E. (2018). Informal lobbying in organizations: Strategic influence through interpersonal networks. Strategic Management Journal, 39(10), 2625-2652.
  • IBM X-Force IRIS Report (2023). The Cost of Insider Threats in 2023
  • Jagatic, M., Conti, M., & Strazinska, P. (2020). A survey on insider threat detection using machine learning. Journal of Computer Security, 28(2), 389-425.
  • Ponemon Institute (2023). The 2023 Cost of Insider Threats Global Report
  • Wittman, G. D., & Caron, J. M. (2017). Why employees become insider threats: A threat actor model and empirical test. Journal of Management Information Systems, 34(2), 544-577.